strengthening wisdom, pursuing knowledge, upholding ethics and moral, and leading society
Wisdom brings happiness.
W.E. (Wisdom of the East) BURAPHA
1. Managing education consistently with equality, alongside the promotion of academic freedom and lifelong learning, based on the foundations of ethics, morality, and professional integrity.
2. Developing research quality to create and enhance knowledge in various fields and providing academic services and knowledge transfer activities in order to enhance the potential of government agencies, private sector, and community, for enabling them to efficiently adapt the dynamic changes in politics, economic, and society.
3. Engaging in promoting and supporting various forms of public activities, encompassing arts, culture, religion, sports, and taking a leading role in the continuous development of community and environmental aspects.
Core Value
BUU Strategic Plan Year 2021 - 2024
Platform 1 Elevating the quality of education to international standards and developing a skilled workforce that meets the needs of the Eastern Region
Program 1 Global Human Capability Development System Program 2 Developing high-level human resources to support the economy in the Eastern Region Program 3 Promoting lifelong learning and future skills Program 4 Fostering the university to global recognition Program 5 Elevating the quality and international of research through research collaboration with foreign educational institutions.
Platform 2 Being a key institution to support targeted industry and develop the sustainability in the Eastern Region
Program 6 Developing innovative eco system for driving targeted industry. Program 7 Enhancing the competitiveness of entrepreneurs in the Eastern Region through science, research, and innovation. Program 8 Developing the local economy of the Eastern Region through research and innovation.
Platform 3 Developing towards a highly efficient organization for sustainable growth
Program 9 Aspiring towards an organization with excellent management Program 10 Developing an efficient revenue and expenditure management system Program 11 Good governance organization Program 12 Green university in physical infrastructure Program 13 Green university in energy and climate change Program 14 Green university in recycling Program 15 Green university in reused wastewater Program 16 Green university in transportation
Public information transparency
Integrity and Transparency Assessment (ITA) is an assessment aimed at fostering improvements in ethics and transparency within government agencies and is considered a comprehensive evaluation of all government agencies nationwide. This decision was made during a Cabinet meeting on January 23, 2018, where it was resolved that all government agencies should cooperate and participate in the assessment of ethics and transparency in their operations during 2018 – 2022